McCoy Global Management Information Circular March 29, 2019

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McCoy Global Management Information Circular March 29, 2019


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General and Special Meeting (the “Meeting”) of the holders of common shares (“Common Shares”) of McCoy Global Inc. (the “Corporation” or “McCoy Global”) will be held at the Metterra Hotel, on the 9th day of May 2019 at the hour of 8:00 a.m. MDT for the following purposes:

1. to fix the number of directors of the Corporation to be elected at the Meeting at five (5) members;
2. to elect the Board of Directors of the Corporation for the ensuing year;
3. to receive and consider the Audited Financial Statements of the Corporation for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 together with the Auditors’ Report thereon;
4. to appoint the auditors of the Corporation for the ensuing year and to authorize the directors to fix their remuneration;
5. to transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

The date for determination of the shareholders entitled to receive Notice of the Meeting and vote shall be holders of Common Shares of the Corporation of record at the close of business on March 29, 2019.

DATED at the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta, this 29th day of March 2019.

Jim Rakievich
President & Chief Executive Officer


On behalf of the Board of Directors and the executive management team of McCoy Global, we invite you to join us at McCoy Global Inc.’s Annual General and Special Meeting. The Meeting will be held:

Date: Thursday, May 9, 2019
Time: 8:00 a.m. MDT
Place: Metterra Hotel
10454 82 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6E 4Z7

At the Meeting, holders of Common Shares of McCoy Global will be asked to consider and, if thought appropriate, approve the business items in the notice of meeting and this Management Information Circular. At the end of the Meeting, a question and answer session will take place and at the reception following, you will have an opportunity to meet your directors and executive management team.

It is desirable that as many Common Shares as possible be represented at the Meeting. If you do not expect to attend but would like your Common Shares represented, please complete the enclosed instrument of proxy and return it as soon as possible in the envelope provided for that purpose. All proxies, to be valid, must be deposited with the Corporation in care of Computershare Trust Company of Canada, Proxy Department, 8th floor, 100 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays, or any adjournment(s) thereof. Shareholders are cautioned that the use of the mail to transmit proxies is at each shareholder’s risk.

Late proxies may be accepted or rejected by the Chair of the meeting at the Chair’s discretion, and the Chair is under no obligation to accept or reject any particulate late proxy.